Featured Kyle Minnick Featured Kyle Minnick

Jurassic World Dominion Trailer 1 - Full Breakdown

Well this was a pleasant surprise! Everyone was expecting a trailer to release with the Super Bowl this Sunday but Universal decided to do a surprise drop out of nowhere! Check out the trailer and full breakdown!

Well this was a pleasant surprise! Everyone was expecting a trailer to release with the Super Bowl this Sunday but Universal decided to do a surprise drop out of nowhere! Check out the trailer and full breakdown below!

Whoa! That was a lot of cool stuff wasn’t it? Well it’s time to over analyze the heck out of that glorious 3 minutes to see what we can find out:

First we get some amazing Cowboys Vs Dinosaurs action. Lets wrangle us some Parasaurolophus! Also I feel the need to mention how amazing the cinematography is. This movie is gonna be gorgeous!

Chris Pratt gets a great dinosaur whisperer moment with one of the Paras.

Our first look Maisie Lockwood who hopefully is feeling a little guilty and responsible for the giant ecological disaster she created. Also, nothing like a wandering Apatosaurus to stop your logging operation.

Introducing Blue’s bouncing baby, Beta! We must protect Beta at all costs!

Loving the amber Universal logo.

A snowy encounter with Owen and Maisie at a cabin. That’s the same vehicle we saw at the end of Fallen Kingdom so I’m gonna guess they built this cabin out here near Blue’s territory.

Hmm I wonder when this scene takes place. Later in the trailer it looks like we see Beta being captured by a net of some sort. Is this movie a rescue mission?

Well there goes the fishing industry. Man the Mosasaur is always impressive.

Rexy’s visit to the drive-in seems to be in the movie after all. In case you didn’t notice her design has been slightly altered in Dominion to match more closely with the animatronic from the original Jurassic Park.

Boots like that can only belong to one man in the JP franchise!

Welcome back Laura Dern and Sam Neil! You both look great! Also it looks like Ellie may be divorced from her husband from JP3. There is a distinct lack of a wedding band.

Spot the JP3 easter egg (bottom left)! Looks like Alan kept the velociraptor resonating chamber.

“You coming or what?” I wonder what they are investigating, maybe it has something to do with the scene we see later in the trailer on the farm?

Nature in harmony. I’d bet this is from the end of the movie when the dinosaurs and our modern fauna have fully integrated with each other.

The first dinosaur we see with feathers is a Therizinosaurus! This scene also leads to my favorite shot of the trailer! Therizinosaurus has a fun history in paleontology, at first it was thought to be a huge carnivore but once more of its remains were found it turned out to be a big Veggiesaurus.

Clean shaven Malcolm enters the trailer giving us our roll credits line, “We not only lack dominion…”

DNA replacement? Not sure what’s going on here but that’s definitely Ellie looking at the screen.

The nefarious Dr Wu has let his hair grow out and he sure doesn’t look happy. The shoulder on the left probably belongs to our returning villain Lewis Dodgson played by Campbell Scott. He runs the rival genetic company Biosyn but you may remember him most from the attempt to steal embryos from the original Jurassic Park with Dennis Nedry.

An Atrociraptor chases Claire across the roof tops of Malta. This sequence almost has a James Bond and/or Mission impossible feel to it. We see more of this sequence later but from Owen’s point of view. The Atrociraptors appear to be our main Raptor threat this movie and rumors are pointing to Biosyn as their creator.

So we have heard multiple times from Universal that this is the end of the current saga of 6 films. If/when the franchise comes back it’s going to look very different.

Welcome to Biosyn Mr Grant. I can’t help but notice that this building is in a deciduous forest and it has long been rumored we would be returning to Isla Sorna in this movie…could it be?

This feathery boy is named Pyroraptor. We also get our first look at our brand new character, Kayla. Rumors point to a surprising reveal of who she actually is but I won’t spoil that for now. This seems to take place after the plane crash we are about to see.

Love the classic throw back to Ellie’s JP look. Are those Locusts? Not sure what is going on here at all. Could we be getting some sort of cloned ancient insect?

“I always come back.” Well that’s a bit ominous. I highly doubt they will kill off Owen but I suppose you never really know.

Another part of the Malta chase, two of the Atrociraptor Squad are chasing Owen through the streets. Ghost is the name of the albino raptor on the right. We also get a brief glimpse of two other Carnivores attacking the city, an adult Allosaurus and a Carnotaur. No idea if the Carno is Diablo from Fallen Kingdom or could this be Toro from Camp Cretaceous making a live action debut.

Pterosaur attack! First off we get our first look at Quetzalcoatlus who easily takes out the engines of the plane our heroes are in. Then we see a Pterodactyl heading straight for Claire! I love that they gave Quetz the down like feathers.

A herd of Naustoceratops attack a jeep convoy at night. Loving the silhouette nature of the cinematography here!

Beta no! Somebody set a trap and the baby got caught in it. Were they trying to catch Beta or was this just a coincidence? The vehicle behind Blue doesn’t appear to be Owen’s car.

On first glimpse I thought this was the Giganotosaurus but on further inspection it actually appears to be Rexy! The skin texture and tooth shape matches a Rex more. Also this is actually a very clever nod to the book version of Lost World! In the novel, Arby gets into a cage very similar to the one we see Maisie in. It does not go well for him and he gets tossed around by some raptors. I wonder if Maisie will share the same fate but with Rexy trying get a snack.

I think these shots are of thee bowls of the Biosyn facility we saw earlier in the trailer. This is also the first shot of our heroes meeting up.

Dilophosaurus is back baby! Love this practical animatronic!

The whole gang is here! This is definitely the money shot of the trailer and for sure will put some people at ease that thought we’d have another Star Wars seuqels situation on our hands.

The new Giganotosaurus shows up just in time for the big finale. Don’t get a good look at its design here but it looks to be pretty close to the one we saw in The Prologue scene.

That’s a wrap for our first trailer! What did you think about it? Did I catch somethings that you didn’t?

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Featured Kyle Minnick Featured Kyle Minnick

Godzilla Singular Point Trailer and Breakdown!

Well that was unexpected! We just got our first look at the new Godzilla anime coming next year! Time to dive in and see what’s in store!

GSP Title.png

Well that was unexpected! We just got our first look at the new Godzilla anime coming next year! Time to dive in and see what’s in store!

Whoa we are getting way more monsters than we ever could have imagined and they are deep diving into the Goji lore for some of these. I feel a breakdown coming on.

1 Goji Breath.png

The trailer opens with our new Godzilla charging up that classic blue breath while surrounded by a mysterious red mist. Red colored mist and water show up in the trailer several times and I’m sure that’s going to be extremely important.

2 Rodan trailing red smoke.png

First glimpse of our favorite flappy boy and look what he’s trailing behind him.

3 Rodan.png

Here’s our new Rodan! They went with a very Pteranodon look this time around but they kept some very iconic pieces of the Toho design just to make him recognizable enough. I really like the white coloration on his face.

4 Jet Jaguar.png

This is the one that took everyone by surprise! Jet Jaguar is here but this time it looks like he might be a pilot-able mech instead of a straight robot. Very clunky looking.

5 tail attack helicopter.png
6 Tail of Titano.png

Here we see a tail of a creature attacking a helicopter. Now I have read multiple theories of whose tail this might be but honestly we don’t have enough evidence. I’ll talk more about the tail in a bit.

7 Gabara.png

Another big surprise! I recognize that green warty skin anywhere, Gabara has returned. Wonder if there’s gonna be a baby Goji for him to bully this time around.

8 Anguirus.png

The only kaiju in the trailer that doesn’t have some sort of red around him, it’s really good to see Anguirus back! I really love his coloration and how spikey he is. That guy looks to be trying to harpoon him.

8 Mystery kaiju.png
9 Mystery kaiju 2.png

Looks like we may have some sort of snake like kaiju in these two shots and the coloration matches that tail we saw earlier. Manda maybe?

10 Proto Rodan.png
11 Proto Rodan swarm.png

So first off it looks like we are getting some sort of ProtoRodan or at least and offshoot of the main Rodan we saw earlier. We also get a shot of a swarm of these creatures and once again that mysterious red mist is involved.

11 Titanosaurus.png

Is that who I think it is? Looks like Titanosaurus is getting a major overhaul and redesign. It is a bit interesting that he seems to have some Godzilla dorsal plates running down his back. Maybe the new canon is they are related?

12 Mecha Base.png

This shot is interesting because it appears to be some sort of Mecha base or maybe a containment facility. It’s way more advanced than the place Jet Jaguar was.

14 Goji Tease.png

Finally we end on a quick red mist hidden look at our Godzilla design. Wonder how long they’ll keep him hidden.

And that’s all the interesting footage in the teaser trailer! I’ll leave you with the official synopsis and poster!

When danger comes up from the depths, only young geniuses Mei, Yun, and their team can face the threat in Godzilla Singular Point!

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Featured Kyle Minnick Featured Kyle Minnick

'Godzilla: King of the Monsters" Final Look Trailer and Breakdown

Well I’m kind of surprised we got one more trailer for this movie since it releases literally a week from today but here we are. Keep in mind that this trailer does contain some footage that some would consider spoiler territory. Consider yourselves warned! If you don’t care about a super minor spoiler that we’ve known about since the toys released and Trailer 2 happened…well then you have come to the right place!

Well I’m kind of surprised we got one more trailer for this movie since it releases literally a week from today but here we are. Keep in mind that this trailer does contain some footage that some would consider spoiler territory. Consider yourselves warned! If you don’t care about a super minor spoiler that we’ve known about since the toys released and Trailer 2 happened…well then you have come to the right place!

First thing to notice (and most G-fans have already jumped on the hate train) is the song choice of ‘Mama said knock you out’. I may be crazy but I think this is a reference way back to the year of 1996 when Godzilla won the Lifetime Achievement Award from MTV.

Anyway enough about the music let’s breakdown the few new shots we got in this trailer.

First up we have another brief glimpse of the Rodan and Mothra battle. Not sure what that big flash is…

I don’t think this shot is new but this is a really nice moment between Goji and Serizawa.

Looks like adult Mothra has a new ability! Or should I say a carried over ability from her previous form? Mothra used String Shot!

Okay so I accidentally stumbled upon this terrifying shot of Ghidorah chasing after and destroying this vehicle. Jesus the Ghidorah in this movie just might give some people nightmares.

Ok so we’ve definitely seen this shot in a different trailer but we get to see what happens right after this.

Godzilla is a such a good boy in this movie. He protec but he also attac.

Now the next photos are the ones some would consider spoiler territory!



Be warned!!



You still here?



Ok but don’t say I didn’t warn you!



This is the clearest look we have gotten of our MonsterVerse version of Burning Godzilla (who we have learned is called Fire Godzilla officially). I love that every crease and fold of Goji’s skin is glowing red like lava. Also look at those glowing red eyes!

Looks like Fire Godzilla has lightning jumping between his spines! This is legitimately something that I have always wanted to see on a Godzilla design!

Look at that size difference! Right after this screenshot Mothra actually bitch slaps Rodan with her new claw like appendages. This Mothra can scrap!

Finally we have 100% confirmation that the object falling from the sky is Godzilla. How in the heck will Kong stand a chance against a creature that can survive an orbital drop? I guess we’ll find out next year!

What did you guys all think about the Final Look at Godzilla: King of the Monsters? Have you bought your tickets yet?

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Featured Kyle Minnick Featured Kyle Minnick

'Godzilla: King of the Monsters' Final Trailer Breakdown

The final trailer for ‘Godzilla: King of the Monsters released early this morning and is now the number 1 trending topic on twitter. So I might as well do my patented breakdown of the third and final theatrical trailer. Check it out!

The final trailer for ‘Godzilla: King of the Monsters released this morning and is now the number 1 trending topic on twitter. So I might as well do my patented breakdown of the third and final theatrical trailer. Check it out!

I’m going to skip over a few of the things we have seen in other trailers but for the most part I’ll be going scene by scene and talking about this beautiful trailer. First thing to mention is the use of “Somewhere over the Rainbow” again. Very good choice and once again the music really sets the tone of the trailer.

First up is a shot that has been used in almost every single trailer and TV spot. The thing to notice this time is that this definitely seems like finished and polished CGI. Lots more details in the wings now.

Mothra breathes out onto Madison in what will probably be a pretty adorable scene early in the movie.

I say this is early because look how happy this family is. Things don’t seem to be sunshine and rainbows between these two later according to some of the other footage we have seen.

Another shot from a previous trailer but with the polished CG. Mothra is using her “god rays” at Kyle Chandler’s character. Wonder why…

Rodan opens his eye as he awakens inside his volcanic home.

Ghidroah awakens! You can definitely hear the bidibidibidi in this shot as well as it looking absolutely fantastic.

King Ghidorah charges up his gravity beams and is about to rain hell on the soldiers down below as seen in the IMAX special preview clip.

This is still by far the most visually stunning sequence we have seen thus far. They definitely touched up the CG a bit here as well and added a bit more lightning to when he’s standing on the top of the volcano.

When Ghidorah stares at you like this you know you are in trouble.

This is definitely Mike Dougherty dropping one of those Toho easter eggs. Godzilla always does interesting things to water whenever he pops out no matter the era. Toho era was a lot of bubbles. Legendary opted for a whirlpool. I love it!

Very realistic looking volcanic eruption as Rodan is awakened.

Rodan stepping out from his lair for the first time in millenia.

Man I really pity all the people who live in the city down below. Love the lava trails coming off of Rodan.

This is some primo boots on the ground action. The people flying up in the up draft of Rodan passing above is a very cool and terrifying effect.

This poor kid doesn’t look like he’s gonna make it. I love how even in the cut up trailer, the kid almost dying pulls off some emotional heft.

Serizawa walks up the steps in Goji’s temple.

Serizawa is probably setting up the bomb we saw explode all the way back in the first trailer. Not sure he’s gonna make it out of this movie alive.

Yeah that looks like a very sad Serizawa sacrificing himself to help a weakened or sleeping Godzilla. Gonna be a very emotion filled sequence.

Here’s that practical effect skin that Mike Dougherty confirmed a little while ago.

Man the close up CG effects sure are top notch.

Looks like the Super X bomber thing is joining in the fight with Godzilla and the jets against Ghidorah.

The ice prison of of Ghidorah cracks open.

Looks like Ghidorah will be taking Godzilla on a magical flight at some point in this film. Wait didn’t we see something back in the other trailer where it looked like Godzilla was falling from a great height?

Can we talk about the greatness that is trailers matching the music with the footage? Cause this is a perfect example of this editing technique. Also in almost every shot we see of the fight between Godzilla and Ghidorah it looks like Ghidorah has the upper hand. Not going to be an easy win for old Godzilla.

Ghidorah tackling Godzilla to the ground and I think this relates to a shot later of a building being blasted.

This shot is of Ghidorah’s Super Lightning Attack and you can see Godzilla struggling to stay standing after this ability goes off. Not sure why Ghidorah is able to shoot lightning from everywhere but it still some very shocking imagery don’t you think?

Ok yup that is most definitely Godzilla reentering the atmosphere. I’m guessing Ghidorah got tired of dealing with him and decided to take Godzilla for that ride we saw earlier.

Just another cool shot from the Rodan Vs Jets sequence.

Godzilla roaring at Ghidorah after being knocked down in the pale moon light of the Antarctic.

Angry Moth noises intensify! She’s looking a bit worse for wear here with some pretty gnarly burns on her wings.

Man they are really not hiding the fact that Mothra is most likely going to die in this film. I mean that’s what usually happens when she shows up in a Godzilla film but still…

Here is that shot I spoke of earlier of Godzilla accidentally hitting a building with his breath after Ghidorah takes him down to the ground.

Looks Like Godzilla and Ghidorah are going to tussel in the water at some point in the film.

Godzilla taking a breather. He definitely looks beat up here and that lines up with Ghidorah having the upper hand most of the time. Maybe this takes place after Godzilla gets air dropped?

Godzilla using his new powered up atomic breath to push Ghidorah off of him. This isn’t the first time we’ve seen this shot but damn is it impressive.

Quick shot from the Super X bomber showing Godzilla and Ghidorah fighting in Boston.

And of course we end on the big clash again!

This was by far the best trailer we have gotten and it should do a good job getting that general audience hype going. What did you think of the trailer? Did it increase your hype or were you already at max hype?

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Featured Kyle Minnick Featured Kyle Minnick

'Godzilla King of the Monsters' Beautiful TV Spot - Highest Quality and Breakdown

Normally we reserve breakdowns for full length trailers but this TV Spot is a special case. Coming in at a full minute long, this is almost a miniature trailer 3 and gives so much new footage that it will make your eyes pop out of your head. Check it out!

Normally we reserve breakdowns for full length trailers but this TV Spot is a special case. Coming in at a full minute long this is almost a miniature trailer 3 and gives so much new footage that it will make your eyes pop out of your head. Check it out!

So much to unpack in this trailer so let’s just get started:

Rodan! This shot was in the previous TV spot but I didn’t post about that one so let me just say how stunning this is here. Rodan is after that Super X jet thing.

Ghidorah! This shot is from the second trailer and is of Ghidorah awakening in the Antarctic. I still really love the lightning charge effect as it goes up his necks.

Mothra! Of course this is a reused shot from the very first trailer. The CG is definitely more complete this time around and it looks beautiful. This isn’t the last shot from the first trailer used in this TV spot either. I’m actually really digging how they are only really giving brief before and after add ons to scenes we sw in the other trailers. Really keeps the rest of the movie hidden.

Oh my! It took me way longer than I’d like to admit to realize they were making a “Lions, Tigers and Bears! Oh My!” Wizard of Oz reference and that is why ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’ is the song in the TV spot. This is Bradley Whitford who is playing a scientist who was described in the set reports as a Rick from ‘Rick and Morty’ type character. not sure how I’ll feel about that by the end but…

Here is that mountain Titan from the second trailer and other TV spot. This is the Titan in Germany as you can see in the bottom left corner. Also there are some rumors that this one is called Methuselah who in biblical history supposedly lived to the age of 969. Very interesting.

Kyle Chandler definitely seems to be shaping up to be the main character of the film. He gets several really good one liners in this TV Spot.

An extension of a shot from the earlier trailers. Ghidorah is looking for something after landing in the Fenway Park stadium in Boston.

Trailer 1 shot with finished CG again. This time it’s much easier to tell that this is in Fenway Park. Looks like he found who he was looking for.

This is the “Oh Shit” shot from the previous trailer but now with context. Madison see’s that Ghidorah has found her and is absolutely not okay with that. I think that this is followed by the shot from the first trailer when Madison is running away from the gravity bolts.

Same shot from trailer two of the scorpion/spider Titan rising in the desert somewhere. I never noticed the Monarch logo on the truck until now.

And now for probably my two favorite shots from the TV Spot. Ghidorah cackles from atop the volcano Rodan popped up from. This shot and the next are so beautiful/wallpaper worthy it is ridiculous. I don’t think I ever in my lifetime would find Ghidorah legitimately terrifying but this movie is proving me wrong.

Love the imagery and symbolism here. Where is your Godzilla now?

Trailer one shot again but now we get to see this from the ground level.

As we say all the time on the cast this is wonderful boots on the ground sequence with the G-Team trying to save some kids from being blown away from Rodan’s passing. Very scary imagery.

Horrified by the destructive power of Rodan.

Our first really good look at Rodan’s face as the military tries to shoot him in it. I’m a huge fan of how they designed his jawline to make it always look like he has an evil grin going on. The ancient civilizations seeing this would have definitely added some demonic lore to his legend just on this fact alone.

Well folks Idon’t think Mothra is getting out of this film alive. Not really surprising since she usually dies in any movie she is in but this pretty much confirms it. We get a really good look at her colors in this shot and she is definitely beautiful.

“Mr. Godzilla, I don’t feel so good…”

Shot of Ghidorah awakening for the first time in the Antarctic. You can see the bits of ice on his tail still and of course the snowstorm kind of givens it away too.

“This time we join him!” Very cool line and it lines up with the very heroic Godzilla the MonsterVerse is going for. I wonder how they are going to explain why Kong and Goji are going to fight since they are pretty much both the good guys in this universe.

Mothra Larva shot from trailer one. Madison really seems like she is going to have a connection to a lot of the Titans.

Mid-air collision of Ghidorah and Rodan incoming. I’m pretty sure this takes place right after the flashing Ghidorah shot and the Rodan jet chase.

While I don’t think Rodan is going to die here I do believe that Ghidorah is going to win this fight very easily.

Actually the next shot shows Rodan having the upper hand. Maybe it won’t be so easy after all.

Godzilla says hello to the tiny humans on the sub. I love the rain pouring off of Godzilla in this shot.

“Excuse me can you point me in the direction of the three-headed dragon?”

Godzilla descends back into the water and we get an amazing look at his new dorsal plates. I liked the 2014 spikes but these just scream Godzilla to me.

Quick look at the rounded tail slapping back into the water as he swims away. This is one of the design changes I am not really a fan of. Godzilla had a rounded tail throughout most of the films but honestly I like the aesthetic of the pointed tail a lot more.

Serizawa gets up close and personal with a presumably injured Godzilla. This is an extention of the Godzilla lair shots from the other trailers.

Is that a practical Godzilla snout? if not that’s some really impressive CG.

Let me tell you about my best friend! The military charges with Godzilla towards the final confrontation with Ghidorah in Boston.

Madison seems to be standing in the destroyed Fenway Park watching Godzilla approach. Did she call him here somehow and accidentally get Ghidorah first? Hmmmm…

This looks like it would be the perfect place for the new Godzilla theme to play.

Surprisingly this is the first shot we have of Godzilla and Ghidorah actually fighting one another. This is Boston again and I love that Mike is continuing Gareth’s trend of showing the monster fights from the human perspective. I’m sure we will still get the big sweeping battle shots but these really ground the film and make the Titans seem huge.

During these last few shots we get the coolest line in the trailer, “This is Godzilla’s world. We just live in it.” That pretty much sums up the theme of this movie that Mike seems to be going for. Humans are no longer the dominant species of planet earth.

Also glad to see the charging effect is back again from 2014. Also something to note is that this shot does not link up with the next as the TV spot would like you to think. This shot is definitely from the Antarctic battle hinted at in the last trailer. Note the snow.

And of course we end on the call to arms shot from trailer one.

And that’s about it folks! We are still expecting one more full trailer to drop before the movie releases so keep an eye out for at least one more breakdown to be on the way. What did you guys think of the new TV spot?

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Featured Kyle Minnick Featured Kyle Minnick

'Godzilla: King of the Monsters' Trailer 2 Breakdown

Better late than never! Take a look at the full breakdown of the second trailer for ‘Godzilla: King of the Monsters.’

Yes I know this isn’t from the trailer but man is it cool!

Hello everyone! So one of our new patrons requested that I actually do the breakdown for Trailer 2 even though it is now one month since the release. I of course was thrilled to take another deep look through the trailer and find all of it’s hidden secrets. Let’s dive in!

One of the first shots in the trailer is a bunch of dead fish floating on the surface of the ocean. Since we the know the Oxygen Destroyer is playing some sort of role in the film that would be my guess for the context of this scene.

Crowd running from the giant Rodan after he awakens from the volcano in Mexico. This looks to be one of the more thrilling titan-human interaction sequences in the film. You can really tell Michael Dougherty’s love for our favorite big firey Pteranodon.

This shot is extremely similar to a shot in the first trailer and this is definitely Washington DC being wiped out. The first trailer showed Rodan flying around but in this trailer you can clearly see Ghidorah up in the clouds. Could they be teaming up in some way or are they fighting eachother and wrecking DC in the process? Also this shot seems to be from inside of some sort of aircraft (maybe the big bomber looking super X plane).

Very cool shot of Rodan emerging from the volcano! I’m guessing this scene takes place right after the explosion from the first trailer.

Here we have the Antarctic base where Ghidorah is sleeping. Keep this shot and this plane in mind for a couple of interesting edits later in the trailer.

Ah yes this is the first big surprise of the trailer, some sort of scorpion/spider Titan popping up out of the ground. Mike Dougherty has spoken several times about there being a few other creatures in the film but I really didn’t think we’d get a good look at any of them in the trailers. Lot’s of people have speculated that this might be a cameo of the Toho kaiju Kumonga but I really doubt that. Weider things have happened I suppose but fans shouldn’t get there hopes up.

Thomas Middleditch, who has been described as the liason between Monarch and the US government is giving a speech to the supreme court about the new Titan’s being discovered and the threat they pose. You can see the back of the heads of a couple of returning characters here as well but we’ll talk about them in a second.

Rodan taking flight for the first time after waking up. You get a really good look at his face within the smoke here but the most interesting thing here is the big super X bomber plane flying away. Is this Monarch’s plane or somebody else’s?

Mountains move in the Monsterverse! All kidding aside this is the second monster in the trailer that we had absolutely no idea about until now. Fans are screaming that it’s Anguirus or Baragon but I’m sticking to my theory that this is another original Titan. Mike Dougherty mentioned designing some new monsters in an interview back in the day.

Another look at the underwater city from the first trailer. There seems to be some sort of lava flow at the bottom.

Godzilla stares back from the ocean depths while his dorsal plates light up. We have seen this scene before but you cannot deny the beauty of this scene. This movie has already won me over with it’s cinematography but it’s great that I keep getting little treats like this shot.

Mothra Larvae full body shot! I love the look of the larval form and how it has color similarities to the adult form we see later in the trailer. The color blue is being used for every shot of the '“good” monsters and I love it.

Adult Mothra showing off her “God Rays” to a human. I think this may be Kyle Chandler’s character but that’s just a hunch.

Rodan flying over Mexico and his shock wave causes the poor humans to go flying in his wake. I love how his silhouette here is quintessential Rodan. Like If you showed me this image with no context I would assume this was a screenshot straight from a Toho film. Beautiful design work!

NOT THE DUNKIN’ DONUTS! GHIDORAH DO YOU HAVE NO SHAME!? Seriously though what is with these movies and their donut partnerships. First Krispy Kreme in Power Rangers and now…

Ghidorah’s big old spikey tail comes swinging by the camera. I love this shot because it mirrors the Godzilla reveal shot from the first trailer for Godzilla (2014). Very cool. This definitely takes place in Boston at Fenway Park which is important to know because the location changes in the next shot.

And now we are back in the Antarctic to get our first full body shot of the king of terror himself! Remember how I told you to pay attention to the Plane landing at the base? Well here it is on the ground in front of Ghidorah. Also there is one heck of a snowstorm going on!

CCH Pounder is in this movie?! She voiced Amanda Waller back in the old DC shows and is a great actress.

Tom’s character looks super nervous here after CCH Pounder made her little pet remark. I’m guessing it’s because his boss is sitting right behind him.

Admiral William Stenz is back baby! It’s really great to see a few characters from 2014 returning to keep continuity.

Ken Watanabe always gets the greatest lines!

Godzilla isn’t looking so good here. I’m guessing this is in the underwater temple due to the lava flow and clearly the man in the suit is Dr. Serizawa. In the first trailer we saw him walking dramatically up some steps with lava all around him. Looks like he was going to visit a not so healthy Godzilla.

Oh look another human/Godzilla connection scene. I wasn’t super sold on the scene in 2014 with Ford but this looks to be between Godzilla and Serizawa which actually is pretty poignant. I’m not sure of the exact context but this could be an interesting twist on the Godzilla/Serizawa relationship from 1954 Godzilla.

I don’t think Madison saying “Do you think he’ll be ok?” is referencing Godzilla here. Maybe her dad? The person she is speaking to might be her mom.

Man when Godzilla wants to move he can move! He seems to have gotten tired of the humans looking at him from the sub.

Madison and some scientists looking over a railing in the Temple of the Moth. How do we know where they are you ask? Well in the background there is a very familiar mural…

The devil has three heads indeed! Jesus this Ghidorah can pull off some nightmare fuel expressions.

Something falls from the upper atmosphere with the telltale golden lightning and storm that say Ghidorah is nearby. Is he falling though?

Wait is that a single tail? Oh my god I think that may be Godzilla!

Rodan shows off his speed by catching up to a jet.

Wow look at her! Unlike the S.h. Monsterarts figure we really get a good look at her bright vibrant colors. Also she’s definitely got some fighting arms as Michael Dougherty talked about. I like it!

So it looks like she may be having an aerial battle with Rodan in this sequence. Look at the fire in the background behind her.

So this is clearly right after the sequence where Ghidorah wakes up. Godzilla must show up right away since the plane that was in front of Ghidorah earlier is still there. Also geeze the size difference is amazing to see. A lot of fans have also noticed that this also may be Dougherty playing a little fan service since it almost exactly mirrors a shot from the Heisei Godzilla Vs King Ghidorah.

Man this really shows off how amazing the CGI is in this film. On the top right you can see Godzilla has a large chunk of skin missing over his left eye. I’m pretty sure this is from the very end of the film after the big battle since he didn’t have this battle damage in the shot with Serizawa.

While Ghidorah is charging up his Gravity beams you get a good glance at the level of facial expressiveness we should expect from him.


So here we have the aftermath of the big explosion from the last trailer. There looks like there is a ton debris including some ship remains getting blasted away.

Look at those fuzzy Moth antenna!

The face of Legendary Mothra might be slimmed down from her Toho counterparts but she still looks extremely recognizable. Her wings look like they glow blue when she is on the attack.

Ok well it looks like the Super X bomber plane crashes hard at some point. This looks like the antarctic but I’m not actually sure since we see the ship flying towards Ghidorah while he’s flying.

Can we talk about how stupid it is that the military continues to use TINY RIFLES to attack the CITY SIZED TITANS? No? Is it just me??

Great look at Rodan’s full design! He’s chasing after the Super X bomber and is about to get his big trailer moment. I love the beak that is so razor sharp that it almost forms teeth.

Godzilla continues his roar from the first trailer and begins his charge towards his rival alpha predator Ghidorah. He breaks into a full blown run which some find strange looking but I personally think it shows that Godzilla is taking this seriously now.

There’s a really cool visual cue that I don’t think people have picked up on in the last moments of the trailer. The lightning coming from the sky behind Godzilla is always blue and the lightning behind ghidorah is always yellow.

Ghidorah using his wings to propel himself towards Godzilla. I don’t think he will spend that much time in this position but he still looks super menacing.

There’s that yellow lightning I was talking about. Love that visual flare.

And of course the trailer ends on a big clash in Boston which takes place in the climax of the film.

And there we go! Wait whats that? You say I skipped a part of the trailer? Hmmm oh! You must be talking about how there’s a huge spoiler that was revealed by a toy in the trailer. Fans are being extremely rabid when it comes to possible spoilers for this film, so if you care about that sort of thing then stop reading the article here. But if you don’t care-









Well fans what we see here in these two trailer shots is definitely our first glance at Burning/Fire Legendary Goji. When the trailer first came out some fans misindentified this as being Rodan but if you look clase enough you can Godzilla’s big clawed hand moving behind the building that is melting/burning. I’m pretty sure this form is how Godzilla is going to defeat Ghidorah but what I’m not sure if this is a temporary power-up or something that may come back to haunt Goji in the future. Only time will tell!

And that’s the full breakdown for trailer 2! Sorry it took so long once again but now we have only 4 moths until the film releases. It’s almost here everyone!

Did I miss something in the trailer? How pumped are you for King of the Monsters? Let us know in the comments!

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Featured Kyle Minnick Featured Kyle Minnick

'Godzilla: King of the Monsters' Trailer 1 Breakdown

Time to go shot-by-shot and pick apart the trailer for all of the little details we can grab. Enjoy this full breakdown of the first trailer for ‘Godzilla: King of the Monsters!’

Sorry I'm a bit later on this article than I originally planned but I needed some time to process this amazing trailer. I haven't done one of these shot by shot breakdowns in awhile but I imagine I will be doing this for all of the 'Godzilla: King of the Monsters' trailers moving forward so look forward to those. For now, enjoy this breakdown of the amazing Comic Con trailer for Godzilla 2.

Here's our first look at Millie Bobby Brown playing Madison Russell. I love her in Stranger Things and I think she is a great lead for this film and possibly the franchise. She seems to be looking at something scary...

Well that's definitely a scary sight! I believe this is the storm system caused by King Ghidorah simply existing rolling into Boston which is where our climactic battle take place. Run Madison run!

Vera Farminga seems to playing our villain, Dr. Emma Russell, as she discusses humanity being a cancer to our planet. She and whatever organization she works for seem to be trying to wake up all of the monsters that Monarch have been studying. The end goal of this is to allow the Titans (M.U.T.O. has been retired as the catch all phrase for Kaiju in the Monsterverse) to rid the world of humanity. Also did I forget to mention she is Madison's mother?

Kyle Chandler plays Mark Russell (Madison's father) who is seen hanging out with Monarch for the entirety of the trailer. I'm not sure if he works for them or is just using Monarch to get his daughter back. I have heard that he and his wife are divorced which we'll come back to later in this trailer.

Monarch seems to be investigating an underwater temple of some sort. Who's leading this undersea journey?

Dr. Serizawa of course! Ken Watanbe is reprising his role from 'Godzilla (2014)' and is one of two returning cast members.

This ancient civilization seems to have worshiped Godzilla back in the day.

Two more of our new characters! O'Shea Jackson Jr. (who is a huge Godzilla fan) is playing Chief Warrant Officer Barnes who is the leader of G-Team. G-Team sounds like it is the military squad that reports directly to Monarch. Thomas Middleditch plays the government liaison of Monarch. He reports all the details of the Titans to the higher ups in the US government. Wonder what Godzilla is up to?

Mark Russell looks into the depths of the ocean from the bridge of some sort of submarine and is granted a glimpse of the King of the Monsters. The use of color and light in this sequence is beautiful and haunting at the same time.

Love this reflection in the glass shot!

The rest of Monarch look on in awe at Godzilla. Not sure what the context of this scene actually is but man is it pretty.

Sally Hawkins is back as Dr. Vivienne Graham and is the other returning character form 'Godzilla (2014).' Interestingly it doesn't look like Dr. Serizawa is with them on the sub. Wonder where he is?

Ladies and gentlemen I give you our first look at King Ghidorah aka Monster Zero. He is currently frozen in ice in the Antarctic and is dormant. Judging from the rest of the trailer I don't expect him to be here long.

Madison seems to be traveling with whatever this evil organization is called. Note that Charles Dance is here too and is probably the leader of the organization. They are definitely looking up at Ghidorah.

So this shot is interesting because it is of San Francisco. I don't think we are going to see Godzilla destroy San Fran again so I'm betting on this being some sort of flashback. Why would they need to flashback? Well I have a theory that we'll get to later.

Mothra cocoon! Love the blue lighting again! man there sure is a lot of Blue in this trailer (for the "good" monsters only it seems).

Mothra is the most different looking of all of the Titans we have seen thus far. I'm not 100% sold on the small eye but I will probably grow to like it after we get to see the whole design.

That's an interesting skin texture you've got there Mothra. 

Godzilla rising from the water will never not be cool! You also get a good first look at the different dorsal fin design but more on that in a second.

There's our big boy! Michael Dougherty really did change the dorsal fins and they look way better than the 2014 design. Michael seems to have gone back to the more maple leafy look of the Toho movies and upped their size by a bunch. I really didn't have a big problem with the 2014 dorsal plates but I do like these a lot better. 

Whoa he glows a lot more when he uses his breath. I love it!

This was the first image we ever saw of this film and man is it beautiful in motion. His breath has gotten a huge upgrade from the previous film! Also note the sub that was previously viewing him in the water on the left.

Mothra unfurls her wings in probably the most beautiful shot in the trailer. She looks so regal and really gives off that goddess feeling. If you look closely you can see Mothra's head and eyes in this shot as well.

Her wingspan is huge! I read the stats on the viral marketing page but seeing it is a whole other thing. She is going to need to be this big to stack up against the other threats in this film. 

This is the facility studying the Mothra cocoon before she hatches.

A facility at the peak of a volcano explodes and releases one of our other monsters. I think this ties into another shot later in the trailer so bear with me.

Rodan is free! I love the smoldering ember look they gave to his wings and I am super happy that he looks ripped straight from a Toho film. The thing that looks like a second Rodan in this picture actually is an advanced plane that I'm guessing G-Team uses. I spotted it later in the trailer as well. 

As I said with his design, this is ripped straight out of a Toho film! Rodan simply flying over a city and it being blown away (akin to a nuclear blast) is exactly the imagery I have always wanted to see with modern special effects.

I believe this is Madison running desperately away from Ghidorah's gravity beams! I believe this sequenece follows a shot later in the trailer.

Nice little nod to John Carpenter's 'The Thing'! That movie took place at facility #31 in the Antarctic and Ghidorah's facility is #32. Also these are the evil organization's soldiers storming the facility.

Family photo of our main characters and there seems to be an older brother in the picture. Hey remember how I said that I had a theory about the shot of San Francisco earlier in the trailer? I wonder if the son died in the San Fran attack in 2014 and it caused Emma and Mark to get a divorce. The death of her child could be the reason Emma wants to wipe humanity off the earth via Titan. Just a theory for now.

Things get nuts when Ghidorah is flying around. Not sure if this is a gravity beam or just a random bolt of lightning but regardless Ghidorah is the cause.

Madison seems to be in a spot of Ghidorah trouble in this scene but it appears to be taking place in a house. Her house in Boston is a safe bet.

Lava temple! We see this place later in the trailer but judging off it's design and it's location inside of a volcano, I'm guessing this is a temple devoted to Rodan. The movie is pulling from various mythologies and stating that the Titans are the truth behind many of the mythological creatures in our real world. Rodan is Quetzalcoatl so the mayan/aztech temple makes all sorts of sense.

This is probably that explosion we saw earlier at the peak of the volcano. Rodan awakens!

One of the most foreboding shots in the trailer, Ghidorah and Rodan are clearly apocalyptic events and have completely wiped out Boston. The visuals are once again stunning.

Ok I'm pretty sure this is in the same sequence of Madison running away from the gravity beams tearing apart the Antarctic facility. Ghidorah has a very nightmare inducing look in his eye. Get out of there Madison!

Rodan takes out some fighter jets in what will be one of the more thirilling sequences in the movie. Very cool brief look at Rodan's mouth/beak in this shot (love the teeth). 

Rodan skims the water while fighting the jets and leaves burning wreckage in his wake.

Ghidorah has arrived and he is huge! if you look close enough at the tiny blue light you will see that it is the G-Team plane from earlier. Not sure how long it will last against that! I really love the glowing eyes and his wingspan is something Rodan and Mothra must be jeaslous of. 

"Long Live the King." I think he's talking about Ghidorah not Godzilla.

Brief glimpse of Rodan's head. He has the two horns flowing back just like the original Toho design. I love how his silhouette is instantly recognizable. 

Seeing something so big move so fast is scary!

Wait somebody is in that lava temple that explodes? Who is it?

Madison looks up as jets fly into what I'm assuming is Boston. These three final shots of her and Godzilla clearly flow together.

Hmm so Serizawa is the one in the lava temple? He wasn't on the sub earlier so maybe he doesn't get out before the bomb goes off. 

This is Mothra using her "Blinding God Rays" as described in the viral marketing. 

Madison smiling at Godzilla's arrival. I think this takes places before the shot of the jets flying over her.

A king's arrival is never silent. Godzilla leads an army of jets into the storm to fight Ghidorah!

Wow that was one heck of a trailer! We got so much more from it than I expected and I think I speak for all Godzilla fans when I say the wait was worth it. We've got 10 month's until the movie releases and I can't wait for the marketing to kick into high gear again. I leave you with the first poster for the film!

How excited are you for the movie now that we've gotten the first trailer?

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Featured Kyle Minnick Featured Kyle Minnick

'Kong: Skull Island' - Trailer #2 Breakdown

So I completely got bogged down with work back when the comic-con trailer for 'Kong: Skull Island' dropped and was unable to get a trailer breakdown out to you folks quickly enough. Luckily I can make up for it by breaking down the latest exciting trailer and giving my predictions about the film. Let's do this guys!

So I completely got bogged down with work back when the comic-con trailer for 'Kong: Skull Island' dropped and was unable to get a trailer breakdown out to you folks quickly enough. Luckily I can make up for it by breaking down the latest exciting trailer and giving my predictions about the film. Let's do this guys!

First off we get a good look at the set-up of the film. It seems like they may be borrowing some from the 1976 Kong in that these people seem to be on some sort of survey mission. I do really like the design of the island as it does really evoke a skull without being completely over the top.

So this is the first of many repeat shots from the original trailer but it is a very important one. It looks like they are suggesting that Skull Island is constantly hidden behind a hurricane and the viral marketing via discoverskullisland.com further confirms that idea. I think it's actually a way more interesting idea than the usual "hidden in perpetual fog" since if I were a ship captain I would more likely avoid this giant storm system.

Really cool shot of the bombs exploding being reflected in this dude's glasses. This movie is extremely well shot and is oozing with personality in every frame. I really dig it. I like the idea that they piss Kong off by dropping these survey bombs. Probably not the best idea guys.

"Is that a monkey?" is probably the funniest line in the whole trailer and is extremely well timed. Not a huge Toby Kebbell fan but no one can deny the greatness of this line of dialogue.

Now it's time for the shot from the EW interview earlier this week. I'm really impressed with how much they were able to sneak the '33 Kong's design in there but there are definitely elements of '76 Kong and maybe even a little Toho Kong in there too. Very impressive design work.

This shot looks almost directly ripped from 'King Kong Lives' which could be a good or bad thing. Needless to say I think that the people in this chopper are the dead soldiers that John Goodman talks about later on in the trailer.when Kong gets mad there are few survivors.

Once again this film impresses with its visuals! I think that this shot directly connects to the Kong on fire shot and is definitely from the climax of the film. It seems like Samuel L. Jackson is the human antagonist and takes the death of his men by Kong very seriously. 

A better look at the outside of the village in which the group of heroes is threatened by the villagers with spears. As far as we can see it seems that these villagers on Skull Island have no giant wall protecting them and they live in harmony with Kong. The yellow design on the ruins is pretty cool and matches the outfits the villagers are wearing. Is it a language or just cool design?

And its time to introduce the most controversial person in this trailer! John C. Reilly is playing what appears to be a WWII fighter pilot that crashed landed on Skull Island and has been living there for quite some time. He may be a little crazy (ala Lawrenc Fishburne's character in Predators) which would explain his humor and general disconnect from all of the other characters we have seen thus far. Most people have been saying this is a huge tone shift but I just think we are seeing a very small piece of this character and he won't be jokes all of the time. 

Very very interesting imagery here! Why just make a mural when we can paint a bunch of different pillars to form Kong's face once we pan around. Not very practical but on the other hand it is very cool.

The hero shot! Judging from the information given in both of the trailers it really seems like the group of people from the ship get split up at some point and with Sam Jackson being the villain I assume most of the military guys get roped onto his side.

The Shadow of the Colossus shot as I have come to call it. I love that wemay see some just day in the life of Kong stuff instead of Kong always being in kill everyone mode. We rarely get to see the monsters just living their day to day lives. You also get a good glimpse of his massive size here. While he still may not be Godzilla size he is definitely on his way there.

Look at those back muscles! I love Peter Jackson's realistic Kong but there is something so right about seeing an upright Kong.

"You don't go into some's house and start dropping bombs unless your picking a fight!"
 This dialogue really establishes that Kong is going to be more of an Anti-hero in this film instead of the out right villain. In the past we have felt bad for Kong but it seems they are really trying to make us root for him.

The lair of the Skull Crawlers seems to be filled with various skeletons and overall just seems like a very bad place. I'm guessing one of the scientifc devices from earlier caused the tunnel to become exposed.

I'm really guessing that these may be Kong's parents that were killed by the Skull Crawlers. Also I think this gives us a good glimpse at how big fully grown Kong will be. These skeletons have got to be close to 250 feet long at least which while not Godzilla's size would be a good size to fight him.

Our first glimpse of the Skull Crawlers is tinged with a strange blue light and the creature itself seems to be glowing. Some sort of crazy ability? A beam weapon like Godzilla's breath?

The Skull Crawlers have a very interesting design that reminds me of Clover and the MUTOs in the way that they move. I do like that they are like serpents with only front legs though.

A more interesting design choice is their eyes being so far back on their head. Also they've got some really gnarly teeth going on there.

We know that this film is not going to follow the traditional Kong story but its nice to see that they are going to make some sort of reference to the Kong being entralled with a girl aspect. I just hope they don't go too far like '76 Kong did.

Here we have this crazy cool giant Ox coming out of the water. I like that we are seeing more of the Ecosystem of the island and how it can maintain such large predators like th Skull Crawlers and Kong.

Definitely from the Climax of the film and is most likely the moment where Sam Jackson realizes that he's fighting on the wrong side. This most likely is his death scene.

If you ever wanted to see Kong really mad all you need to do is set him on fire. Once again I love the imagery on display here.

Ah the iconic chest beating scene. You really get a good look at his brown fur here...which I really like. It furthers him from a normal gorrilla which helps him feel like his own species.

Is that Kumongra?! Nah, but it is a cool giant spider that we saw in the first trailer as well.

Nice to see John C. Reily is going to kick ass as well. It is interesting that the heroes have seemingly met back up with the military guys here. Maybe once the Skull Crawlers attack shit just hits the fan and causes everyone to work together? I also wonder if John C. Reily's character was the one we saw fighting a guy on the top of th mountain in the first trailer. Maybe it'll be a flashback showing when he crash landed on the island.

When did I put in 'Platoon'?!

I'm guessing this is some sort of Queen/Alpha Skull Crawler that will be Kong's final enemy in the film. It's interesting because all of the ones seen in the Skeleton graveyard seem to be pretty small. I think this may be the same one that was stalking towards Sam Jackson earlier. Also I am loving the skull look of their heads.

A really good look a Kong's scale in comparison to the humans.

We also get a glimpse at this crazy bug thing that seems to use a log as a hiding place. Very cool and is really adding to the ecosystem of Skull Island. I think it is very likly that they will rename the island Monster Island by the end of 'Kong vs Godzilla' which would be a pretty cool reference to the Toho films.

Well that guy is dead! The Skull Crawlers definitely have a unique way of moving around and it will be interesting to see Kong fight these slithering beasties.

Chest beat number two and this time it's to the drumbeat of the song. I love it when trailers do that!

Slightly new logo design with elements taken from the villager's ruins.

And finally one las shot of the Skull Crawler charging toward the screen after a horribly edited piece of dialogue from John C. Reily. Really can see the skull on the outside of their faces from the front.

Did you enjoy the trailer? What do you think of the Skull Crawlers? Did the tone of the new trailer scare you away from the final film?

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Featured Kyle Minnick Featured Kyle Minnick

'Godzilla: Resurgence' - Behind The Scenes And Trailer 2 Footage Breakdown

Time for the honored tradition of taking screenshots from a trailer and over-analyzing them. 'Godzilla: Resurgence' has a new trailer (Watch it here) that released early this morning and they also had a short behind-the-scenes special on a morning radio show (Watch that one here). There is a ton of new footage and plenty to talk about so let's dive in.

Time for the honored tradition of taking screenshots from a trailer and over-analyzing them. 'Godzilla: Resurgence' has a new trailer (Watch it here) that released early this morning and they also had a short behind-the-scenes special on a morning radio show (Watch that one here). There is a ton of new footage and plenty to talk about so let's dive in.

We open the trailer with a nice low angle shot of Godzilla's head with his hand in the foreground. I think this is the only shot of his hand that it doesn't look like a little baby hand (yeah I'm not gonna let the size of his arms and hands go) and it's a nice shot to start us off with. We get a couple of reused Godzilla shots from the previous trailer after this, with one cool perspective shot of Godzilla and his tail peaking through the buildings as the crowd runs away. Afterwards we get to watch a group of people talking about something, but unfortunately we still have no idea what is going on. Just like the first trailer, this one is completely devoid of dialogue and that makes the middle of the trailer especially hard to get through. But I'll tell you what there is a lot of... I'll give you one guess...

Boardroom scenes! You get a boardroom and you get a boardroom! Seriously though, in this trailer alone there are four completely different boardroom sets/scenes and to be honest it worries me. To me, this makes it seem like the main cast members are going to be away from the action every time, which will definitely cause a major disconnect when we cut from one to the other. The best Godzilla attack moments usually come when we have a person on the ground is involved in the action, like a military commander that gets to be right at the forefront when the tanks and helicopters do their thing. Speaking of helicopters next up we have an awesome shot from the TV spots.

I love, and I do mean love, how much the camera is moving around with the military vehicles during the attack sequences we have seen. This juxtaposes well with Godzilla's overall lack of movement (other than his tail...man that thing is crazy!) and makes the scenes exciting to watch. This movie is definitely going to be visually stunning!

I know everybody loves the charging shot from later in the trailer, but this is actually my favorite shot from this new trailer. The mini-gun bullets are literally bouncing off of his face! It reminds me of one of the cooler scenes from 'Superman Returns' (some might say the only good scene) where the bullet bounces off of his eye and Superman doesn't even flinch. Speaking of not flinching:

We now see a group of shots where Godzilla is bombarded to the face and knees, all of which show off some pretty impressive CGI explosions. Godzilla takes all these hits and keeps on coming like a champ! I think that these scenes are actually helped by this Godzilla designs apparent lack of movement as it really gives you the feeling that this monster is unstoppable. If all that ordinance does nothing, then what will? How can they stop this immovable object?

Just like I said in the TV spot article, this design really shines in the night sequences. These shots are some of the few from which I actually feel the terror that the design is trying to portray. This shot reminds me of the scene in 'Godzilla 1985' when he arrives at the nuclear plant and steps on the hapless worker.

Man this shot is cool! It radiates demonic vibe, and that is a very good thing. Now this would be something that would fundamentally frighten me if I saw this from the rooftop of a building. Love the glowing red parts of his body at night (very 'Godzilla vs Destoroyah').

We end on the roar shot from the first trailer but it looks less awkward now that we can see the beginning and end of the roar. I don't know why they didn't use this slightly extended version in the first trailer, since it looks better with just 5 seconds more of footage. 

Now we get to the biggest talking point of the trailer, Godzilla's beam charges up purple! In my humble opinion, I don't think that we are actually getting a fully purple beam but the glowing purple images are extremely striking. I think that the beam is going to start out purple at the base of his mouth and then turn blue as it goes farther out from his mouth. The reason he charges up purple is of course because this Godzilla is constantly glowing red. Red+Blue = Purple. This would also make sense given that a purple chemical flame is hotter than a blue flame, so naturally the farther the beam is from the source (Godzilla's gaping maw) the cooler and less intense the beam will be.

Now finally we have some shots from the little behind the scenes morning show clip. All of the good images are super far away shots to show the scale of Godzilla as he comes ashore. Please excuse the poor quality of the images and the little bits of text that sneak their way into the images.

Unfortunately this design still looks extremely silly from the front. If I were Anno (the director of 'Godzilla: Resurgence') I would have avoided this angle at all costs but it actually seems to be one of his favorite shots for an approaching Godzilla. Which is weird when it is followed by the following beautiful image.

Now that is a Godzilla silhouette that I can get behind! This is the first long distance shot of the Shin-Goji design that I have actually been stunned by. He really looks like '84 Goji, and I (personally) love it.

There are two other really cool sequences that I couldn't get a worthy grab of from the behind the scenes: a shot of Godzilla walking and making shingles fall off a building, as well as a quick scene with one of the main actors seeing Godzilla's head (very similar to the 'Gojira (1954)' puppet shots) and speaking a line of dialogue. Both of these are very interesting and I can't wait to see them in better quality at some point in the future.

I can't wait to hear fans reactions to the full film when it releases in Japan on July 29th. What did you guys think of the trailer? Do you agree that the breath may still turn blue throughout Godzilla's beam? Let us know in the comments below.

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