Coleman McClung Coleman McClung

'Pacific Rim 2' Release Date Announced, Scott Eastwood Possibly Attached

Ever since Legendary was bought by the Chinese mega-company Dailan Wanda Group, 'Pacific Rim 2' has had a breath of fresh air blown into it's sails. China loved the first film, and was a substantial chunk of its three-hundred million dollar international take. Recently, we saw proof of its resurrection in both the hiring of Stephen S. DeKnight and Derek Connolly to get a script together with DeKnight directing. Not long after it was announced that 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' star John Boyega would jump on board as one of the film's leads, playing Pentecost's son in the sequel. These are not the signs of a film in development, but in full-on pre-production. Now, we have another star potentially about to sign on and a studio-announced release date. Check out both after the jump.

Ever since Legendary was bought by the Chinese mega-company Dailan Wanda Group, 'Pacific Rim 2' has had a breath of fresh air blown into it's sails. China loved the first film, and was a substantial chunk of its three-hundred million dollar international take. Recently, we saw proof of its resurrection in both the hiring of Stephen S. DeKnight and Derek Connolly to get a script together with DeKnight directing. Not long after it was announced that 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' star John Boyega would jump on board as one of the film's leads, playing Pentecost's son in the sequel. These are not the signs of a film in development, but in full-on pre-production. Now, we have another star potentially about to sign on and a studio-announced release date. Check out both below.

Legendary has finally revealed a release date for 'Pacific Rim 2,' slating it for February 23, 2018. This is surprising for a few reasons; one of them being that the December 25, 2017 mystery film announced by Legendary everyone thought was going to end up being 'PR 2' is actually a completely unknown movie yet to be revealed. It also shocked fans that the sequel to 'Pacific Rim' is officially moving forward at all. A release date shows that the studio is committed to the film and will most likely see it produced in the near future.

Cologne model and actor Scott Eastwood is also apparently in talks to star alongside John Boyega in 'Pacific Rim 2.' Whether he plays an original role or the child of one of the previous film's protagonists is yet to be released. This is after news of Eastwood potentially starring in 'Fast 8' as well, so he's definitely on the rise when it comes to tentpole blockbuster sequels. He previously served alongside Brad Pitt and Shia Labeuf in the critically and commercially successful 'Fury' back in 2014.

This is all great news to fans waiting patiently for the sequel and hoping that in a different director's hands, the franchise will reconcile some of the missteps of the first film. Time will tell if DeKnight and Connolly will take the amazing concept and swing for the fences like del Toro did, but either way I'm incredibly excited to sit down in a dark theater and see what happens next in this incredibly unique universe. 


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Coleman McClung Coleman McClung

'Star Wars' Actor John Boyega Drifts Into Lead Role For 'Pacific Rim 2'

I think this news has made me more excited for 'Pacific Rim 2' than anything else announced concerning the proposed sequel yet. Following our recent speculation on what might happen in the gargantuan follow-up, we at least now know who will be leading the fight. Deadline is reporting that John Boyega of 'Attack The Block' and 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' fame has been announced as taking the lead role in Stephen S. DeKnight's sequel to 2013's 'Pacific Rim.' Boyega joins Guillermo del Toro as a producer and is said to be playing the son of Idris Elba's iconic character Stacker Pentecost from the first film. See what del Toro had to say about Boyega's casting and our thoughts on why this is great news for the sequel after the jump.

I think this news has made me more excited for 'Pacific Rim 2' than anything else announced concerning the proposed sequel yet. Following our recent speculation on what might happen in the gargantuan follow-up, we at least now know who will be leading the fight. Deadline is reporting that John Boyega of 'Attack The Block' and 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' fame has been announced as taking the lead role in Stephen S. DeKnight's sequel to 2013's 'Pacific Rim.' Boyega joins Guillermo del Toro as a producer and is said to be playing the son of Idris Elba's iconic character Stacker Pentecost from the first film. See what del Toro had to say about Boyega's casting and our thoughts on why this is great news for the sequel below.

Guillermo del Toro was quoted by Deadline as saying this about Boyega:

“I am very proud and happy to welcome John into a fantastic sandbox. The 'Pacific Rim' universe will be reinforced with him as a leading man as it continues to be a multicultural, multi-layered world. ‘The world saving the world’ was our goal and I couldn’t think of a better man for the job.”

The fact that they've landed such a hot young actor as John Boyega means that Legendary is not fooling around with the sequel. Boyega's calendar exploded after 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' opened to critical and financial success, and the majority of audiences fell in love with Boyega's depiction of a conflicted Stormtrooper who joins the Resistance.

What he brings to 'Pacific Rim 2' is a legitimacy that, honestly, the first film didn't have with a broader audience. I also believe that he can act the hell out of any role he's given, and the fact that he's playing Pentecost's son in the new film is incredibly exciting. I wonder if his father's dour seriousness has passed on to his son, or if they casted Boyega to lighten up a film that uses the word "apocalypse" more regularly than most summer blockbusters? Either way, I can't wait to see this film develop more and am looking forward to a new take on the franchise.

'Pacific Rim 2' goes into production later this year and is slated for release on December 31, 2018.

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