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Tokyo Lives Is Going To G-Fest XXVI

In case you missed the announcements in the cast, Rob Cameron and myself are all going to be at G-Fest in Chicago starting tomorrow evening!

In case you missed the announcements in the cast, Rob, Cameron, and myself are all going to be at G-Fest in Chicago starting tomorrow evening!

We will not be having a panel or anything but we would love to say hello to all of you fans who are going to be at G-Fest. So I’m here to announce that there will be 3 ways to find us! First off we will be walking around the convention with Tokyo Lives shirts 90% of the time. Second we will be attending the Kaijucast party on Friday night. Finally we also set up a meet up for you guys!

The meet up will take place in the main lobby of the G-Fest hotel on Saturday from 1-1:30 pm. After words the tentative plan if for us to go get some delicious pizza from GINOs which you all are welcome to join us for.

We will be recording an episode live from the convention and of course we will be taking a ton of pictures that we will post in an article sometime shortly after the con. I hope that we have a chance to meet some of you! See you at G-Fest 2k19!

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