Featured Kyle Minnick Featured Kyle Minnick

Jurassic World Dominion Trailer 1 - Full Breakdown

Well this was a pleasant surprise! Everyone was expecting a trailer to release with the Super Bowl this Sunday but Universal decided to do a surprise drop out of nowhere! Check out the trailer and full breakdown!

Well this was a pleasant surprise! Everyone was expecting a trailer to release with the Super Bowl this Sunday but Universal decided to do a surprise drop out of nowhere! Check out the trailer and full breakdown below!

Whoa! That was a lot of cool stuff wasn’t it? Well it’s time to over analyze the heck out of that glorious 3 minutes to see what we can find out:

First we get some amazing Cowboys Vs Dinosaurs action. Lets wrangle us some Parasaurolophus! Also I feel the need to mention how amazing the cinematography is. This movie is gonna be gorgeous!

Chris Pratt gets a great dinosaur whisperer moment with one of the Paras.

Our first look Maisie Lockwood who hopefully is feeling a little guilty and responsible for the giant ecological disaster she created. Also, nothing like a wandering Apatosaurus to stop your logging operation.

Introducing Blue’s bouncing baby, Beta! We must protect Beta at all costs!

Loving the amber Universal logo.

A snowy encounter with Owen and Maisie at a cabin. That’s the same vehicle we saw at the end of Fallen Kingdom so I’m gonna guess they built this cabin out here near Blue’s territory.

Hmm I wonder when this scene takes place. Later in the trailer it looks like we see Beta being captured by a net of some sort. Is this movie a rescue mission?

Well there goes the fishing industry. Man the Mosasaur is always impressive.

Rexy’s visit to the drive-in seems to be in the movie after all. In case you didn’t notice her design has been slightly altered in Dominion to match more closely with the animatronic from the original Jurassic Park.

Boots like that can only belong to one man in the JP franchise!

Welcome back Laura Dern and Sam Neil! You both look great! Also it looks like Ellie may be divorced from her husband from JP3. There is a distinct lack of a wedding band.

Spot the JP3 easter egg (bottom left)! Looks like Alan kept the velociraptor resonating chamber.

“You coming or what?” I wonder what they are investigating, maybe it has something to do with the scene we see later in the trailer on the farm?

Nature in harmony. I’d bet this is from the end of the movie when the dinosaurs and our modern fauna have fully integrated with each other.

The first dinosaur we see with feathers is a Therizinosaurus! This scene also leads to my favorite shot of the trailer! Therizinosaurus has a fun history in paleontology, at first it was thought to be a huge carnivore but once more of its remains were found it turned out to be a big Veggiesaurus.

Clean shaven Malcolm enters the trailer giving us our roll credits line, “We not only lack dominion…”

DNA replacement? Not sure what’s going on here but that’s definitely Ellie looking at the screen.

The nefarious Dr Wu has let his hair grow out and he sure doesn’t look happy. The shoulder on the left probably belongs to our returning villain Lewis Dodgson played by Campbell Scott. He runs the rival genetic company Biosyn but you may remember him most from the attempt to steal embryos from the original Jurassic Park with Dennis Nedry.

An Atrociraptor chases Claire across the roof tops of Malta. This sequence almost has a James Bond and/or Mission impossible feel to it. We see more of this sequence later but from Owen’s point of view. The Atrociraptors appear to be our main Raptor threat this movie and rumors are pointing to Biosyn as their creator.

So we have heard multiple times from Universal that this is the end of the current saga of 6 films. If/when the franchise comes back it’s going to look very different.

Welcome to Biosyn Mr Grant. I can’t help but notice that this building is in a deciduous forest and it has long been rumored we would be returning to Isla Sorna in this movie…could it be?

This feathery boy is named Pyroraptor. We also get our first look at our brand new character, Kayla. Rumors point to a surprising reveal of who she actually is but I won’t spoil that for now. This seems to take place after the plane crash we are about to see.

Love the classic throw back to Ellie’s JP look. Are those Locusts? Not sure what is going on here at all. Could we be getting some sort of cloned ancient insect?

“I always come back.” Well that’s a bit ominous. I highly doubt they will kill off Owen but I suppose you never really know.

Another part of the Malta chase, two of the Atrociraptor Squad are chasing Owen through the streets. Ghost is the name of the albino raptor on the right. We also get a brief glimpse of two other Carnivores attacking the city, an adult Allosaurus and a Carnotaur. No idea if the Carno is Diablo from Fallen Kingdom or could this be Toro from Camp Cretaceous making a live action debut.

Pterosaur attack! First off we get our first look at Quetzalcoatlus who easily takes out the engines of the plane our heroes are in. Then we see a Pterodactyl heading straight for Claire! I love that they gave Quetz the down like feathers.

A herd of Naustoceratops attack a jeep convoy at night. Loving the silhouette nature of the cinematography here!

Beta no! Somebody set a trap and the baby got caught in it. Were they trying to catch Beta or was this just a coincidence? The vehicle behind Blue doesn’t appear to be Owen’s car.

On first glimpse I thought this was the Giganotosaurus but on further inspection it actually appears to be Rexy! The skin texture and tooth shape matches a Rex more. Also this is actually a very clever nod to the book version of Lost World! In the novel, Arby gets into a cage very similar to the one we see Maisie in. It does not go well for him and he gets tossed around by some raptors. I wonder if Maisie will share the same fate but with Rexy trying get a snack.

I think these shots are of thee bowls of the Biosyn facility we saw earlier in the trailer. This is also the first shot of our heroes meeting up.

Dilophosaurus is back baby! Love this practical animatronic!

The whole gang is here! This is definitely the money shot of the trailer and for sure will put some people at ease that thought we’d have another Star Wars seuqels situation on our hands.

The new Giganotosaurus shows up just in time for the big finale. Don’t get a good look at its design here but it looks to be pretty close to the one we saw in The Prologue scene.

That’s a wrap for our first trailer! What did you think about it? Did I catch somethings that you didn’t?

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Coleman McClung Coleman McClung

Unseen 'Jurassic World' Concept Art Shows A Very Different Movie

Seth Engstram is a name you might not have heard before, but take it from us, he's responsible for the look and feel of some of your favorite movies. He's a concept artist who takes the script and the studio's vision for a film and translates it artistically into a production-ready visualization. He recently updated his blog with some new never-before-seen concept art for the monstrous hit 'Jurassic World.' Check it out below.

Seth Engstram is a name you might not have heard before, but take it from us, he's responsible for the look and feel of some of your favorite movies. He's a concept artist who takes the script and the studio's vision for a film and translates it artistically into a production-ready visualization. He recently updated his blog with some new never-before-seen concept art for the monstrous hit 'Jurassic World.' Check it out below.

While many of the images look like they were directly translated onto the silver screen, there are a few that stand out unimagined. What looks like a tense rope bridge set-piece in front of a roaring volcano definitely didn't make it into the film (Although, in other early drafts of the park layout, there was a man-made volcano that I think this is actually taking place in front of). A few of the sketches show the now iconic, land traversal pods as a hanging ride being attacked by pteranodons. The most stunning unrealized piece depicts the Indominus Rex tearing the head off of an animatronic T-Rex encased in a fake waterfall setting.

Some of these cut scenes look very exciting, but you can tell for the most part what they were excised for in the film. Most have parallels to action beats that worked wonderfully, so all's well that ends well. Hopefully, we'll see some snippets of concept art leak for the upcoming 'Jurassic World 2,' so that we can start speculating on the mysterious plot summary they've given us.

Thanks to the very awesome Jurassic Outpost for the heads up.



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Featured Kyle Minnick Featured Kyle Minnick

The Many Skull Islands Of Kong - Part 2

Continuing from where I left off in part one, I had just finished talking about the dull/lame island that acted as the setting in the 1976 'King Kong.' Now, it's time to move on to brighter shores. In part two, I'm going to break down the glorious Peter Jackson created island from 2005, and give some brief speculation on what we might see in the new film: 'Kong: Skull Island.' The Peter Jackson Skull Island is actually the reason for breaking this article into two parts, since there was a lot of thought put into it's design and ecosystem.

Continuing from where I left off in part one, I had just finished talking about the dull/lame island that acted as the setting in the 1976 'King Kong.' Now, it's time to move on to brighter shores. In part two, I'm going to break down the glorious Peter Jackson created island from 2005, and give some brief speculation on what we might see in the new film: 'Kong: Skull Island.' The Peter Jackson Skull Island is actually the reason for breaking this article into two parts, since there was a lot of thought put into it's design and ecosystem.


Say what you will about the actual 2005 'King Kong' film, but no one can deny the beauty and mystery that hides in every frame of this island. Peter Jackson and crew did an astounding job creating a literal lost world, one that had remained relatively untouched by human hands for sixty-five million years (minus the villagers, but I'll get to them in a second). This island is unlike any jungle seen in the real world, and it definitely brought back that sense of 'going into the unknown' that the 76' Kong was sorely lacking. The beautiful-but-hellish island is slowly slipping back into the sea (a plot point Jackson borrowed from 'Son of Kong') and is an extremely harsh environment for everyone and everything attempting to live on it. The island is still located somewhere off the coast of Sumatra, Indonesia just like in the original 1933 film.

The creatures of the island aren't just dinosaurs that stuck around after the mass extinction, but actually feel like completely different animals from what they were before. These dinosaurs have been continuously evolving for millions of years, and have changed distinctly in order to live in Skull Islands' harsh environment. The Tyrannosaurs are now a new creature called Vastatosaurus Rex that have wider feet to climb rocky terrain and are covered from head to tail in hard scales to protect them from all of the other alpha predators on the island (the third finger is still there as a reference to the original Kong). The raptors have evolved to be thin and tall. They can now hunt down some of the larger prey on the island like Brontosaurus, and compete with much bulkier predators. Instead of trying to be completely accurate to science, Jackson decided to create an island that had changed with the times.

This time around dinosaurs aren't the only fauna that our adventurers had to overcome in order to save Ann, as the film is bursting with an ecosystem of diverse animals. We have giant leeches, humongous insects of all sorts, large hairless bats, and huge man eating eels that live in the swamp (the eel scene was cut from the theatrical release).

These other animals really flesh out the fact that this island is a massive threat to any and all fleshy little humans that dare come near it. And the humans that live here are just as harsh and cruel as the island on which they reside.

The natives are brutal and scary humans that make the other two film's villagers look like friendly next-door neighbors. The first thing they do is literally stab the audio guy through the chest and then attempt to crush Carl Denham's skull. These people are barley surviving on a tiny little strip of the island, and have seemingly cut into the rocks to create little dwellings. You really get the feeling that these people are not the rulers of this island, instead they feel like they are part of the unique food chain and are nowhere near the top.

I would highly suggest people check out the book The World of Kong: A Natural History of Skull Island if you are interested in the thought processes that went into imagining the island of Kong 2005. It reads like someone studying the animals on the island, as well as how the inhabitants of the island have survived.


So, we really don't have much information on this Island as of yet, (considering we have yet to receive an actual trailer) but I have some ideas based on the behind the scenes footage and the leaked set photos. Obviously, this island looks very Pacific-Asian. The mountains and the foliage look like documentary footage I could recall from that region. It is interesting that they are going the realistic jungle route with the film, but it makes sense that this Skull Island would have to share the tone of the Legendary Godzillaverse.

I think that we will be getting monsters instead of dinosaurs/giant animals in this film. Now that we know Kong will be at least 100 feet tall, I really doubt that the film will just use generic or evolved dinosaurs as the side antagonists to go along with Kong. Again, since this film is part of the Legendary Godzillaverse, it would be great if they could bring some lesser known Toho monsters into the movie, and have Skull Island essentially be Monster Island from Toho's Godzilla series.

From what we have seen of the village it looks like they are going to be Asian-inspired as well, which fits the time period and setting of the film. Using the Vietnam War as a back drop will really help this film get a style for the island that we have never seen before. I would like to see these villagers still be cruel and unfriendly, but with the more realistic setting (especially with the Vietnam war raging in the background of the film) I think it should be a little toned down though from what we saw in Peter Jackson's Kong.

I'm sure that I will probably do an additional article once we get more footage of this new movie, but for now there really isn't enough information about the film. Keep a look out for our continued coverage of this upcoming film and I hope you've enjoyed our little retrospective of the mysterious island Kong calls home.

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Featured Kyle Minnick Featured Kyle Minnick

The Many Skull Islands Of Kong - Part 1

We are on the cusp of a brand new iteration of King Kong ('Kong: Skull Island') - and that of course means a brand new look for the mythical island which he comes from as well. From what we have been shown thus far, the new Skull Island looks to be something completely different from what we have ever seen before. The islands of the films are almost characters of their own and are extremely crucial to the lore of Kong universe.  I just recently watched the 1976 'King Kong' in preparation for the next episode of our podcast, and I thought it might be fun to breakdown the differences between the three islands we have already seen and speculate about the little we have glimpsed of the new Skull Island. Keep in mind, this is not really a conversation about the creature Kong specifically - but more about the world he inhabits (including his competition in the food chain).

We are on the cusp of a brand new iteration of King Kong ('Kong: Skull Island') - and that of course means a brand new look for the mythical island which he comes from as well. From what we have been shown thus far, the new Skull Island looks to be something completely different from what we have ever seen before. The islands of the films are almost characters of their own and are extremely crucial to the lore of Kong universe.  I just recently watched the 1976 'King Kong' in preparation for the next episode of our podcast, and I thought it might be fun to breakdown the differences between the three islands we have already seen and speculate about the little we have glimpsed of the new Skull Island. Keep in mind, this is not really a conversation about the creature Kong specifically - but more about the world he inhabits (including his competition in the food chain).



Contrary to most people's beliefs, Skull Island was not named directly in the original film. The only reference to the island being skull related comes from the distinctive skull shaped mountain that occupies the center of the island. This is, of course, a place of prehistoric creatures that somehow survived their mass extinctions and live behind a massive wall that sections off a small piece of the island where the group of shipwrecked humans/natives are surviving. The island is said to be located off of the coast of Sumatra, Indonesia and has a very mythological feel to the design. It does not seem like a place that could have formed naturally, and that really adds to the creepiness factor once the rescue for Ann Darrow begins.

As I mentioned above, all of the fauna on the island is from a time long past. The crew of the USS Venture runs into your normal assortment of dinosaurs while on the island, and this being 1933, the dinosaurs all represent that time period's paleontological theories in beautiful stop motion. The Tyrannosaurus that Kong fights still has the third finger on his hands, and of course, is in the upright pose that all dinosaurs were thought to be in at the time.

There are some strange scientific inaccuracies (even for the time period) with the Brontosaurus that chases after the crew in the swamp. It seems that this normally docile plant eater has suddenly gotten a taste for human flesh, and would like nothing more than to chomp down on our hapless adventurers. For the most part though, all of the other creatures seem to be ripped straight out of the film 'The Lost World,' and provide worthy antagonists for the majority of the film.

The islanders are basically your generic pacific tribespeople seen in many films around this time - with painted faces and feathers stuck in the hair of the chief to boot. Just like in the other films, they seem to worship Kong and are the builders of the giant wall. Most of them are actually killed during Kong's final rampage on the island, and for the most part, they are actually kind of harmless. Sure they still kidnap Ann Darrow, but I get more of a scared feeling from these islanders. People just trying to survive who truly believe that Kong is their Protector/God.



So here is a bit of a spoiler for the next podcast everyone... I hate this Skull Island. The location is the most generic island I have ever seen. In fact, I could not even find a picture from the film to use, but instead got a picture of the beach in Hawaii where they filmed the landing scene. You want the best description of this place? Hawaii with only a few residents and a single giant ape. Well, I guess there is one other creature on the island...

Yes, your eyes don't deceive you if you think that is a random giant snake. The only other living creature we see on this stupid island is a giant boa constrictor that shows up at the very end of the "adventure." As far as we can tell, this isn't an island where all of the creatures are huge or anything rational like that, just a giant ape and snake living in whatever the opposite of harmony is.

The villagers are kind of just there for the plot progression in the 76' film. In fact, I really don't perceive the fear aspect that we get from the original. Sure, they built a wall to keep out Kong, but it seems like they actually have a huge section of the island that they have carved out for themselves. Also, with the lack of crazy creatures on the other side of the wall, I feel like they have no need to worship Kong and sacrifice people to him for protection. To get my full thoughts on the film check out our next episode of the podcast that should drop sometime next week.



In my next article, I'll talk in length about Peter Jackson's depiction of the famous island, and speculate on what the new film might be going for. Let me know which island is your favorite rendition, and what you hope they might do in the reboot.

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