'Power Rangers' - 3rd Trailer and Several New Posters Released!

Well here was another surprise this week! We got a new 'Power Rangers' trailer out of no where and of course with a new comes new posters. Take a look at all the goodies!

Man these last 2 trailers have really put the fun back into this movie! There are some cool new shots in here including Jason activating his power sword. Can't wait till March 24th!

These two posters are really cool and probably the best ones we have gotten so far. Too bad they are international posters and won't be seen anywhere in the US. Man why are the international posters always so much cooler than the US...

Lastly we got some new individual ranger posters which I prefer over the weird white background ones we got before.

What do think of all the new goodies? Did these new things get you more excited for the film?


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